Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The summer is over

I just realized that is has been since June since I have put up pictures of Emma. I am sorry!!!!

Emma's favorite thing is to play with her Daddy. She tackles him, lays on him, jumps on him, I am usually laughing to hard to actually get the playing on camera but here is a picture of her doing what he is doing....playing with the remote.

Emma also loves to play in the laundry baskets. Sterling pulls her around it.

Emma learned to climb this summer. It is totally my fault and i take full responsibility because I take her to the mall or climbing places or the park every week if not several times a week.

She even learned to climb up on the furniture. This is the table behind the couch...it has a ledge that is perfect baby climbing height (luckily after one time out visit she hasnt ever tried this again!!!)
Emma has also started climbing up into the kitchen chairs and then climbing into her high chair. Their will never be a picture of this because i am always running to stop her or catch her and never for the camera.

On a side note.... I was at the fancy shmancy mall letting Emma play one day and when i came out to get in the car and go home guess what i saw????
Yup...that is a Burberry VW bug. and please note that the liscence plate says giglez... I couldnt stop laughing at this car and all my mom could say is "I want one!"

Monday, September 7, 2009


My Uncle Chuck and his daughter Candace who married my friend Jarred all came in town for the BYU game. Emily and the new boyfriend Adam were also at the game but they got standing room only seats.
This picture is the view from the standing room only seats that Emily and Adam had. We switched them half way thru the 3rd quarter so we could be closer to the door so we could leave ASAP to get home to the babysitter who could no put Emma to bed.
We were just about to leave the Cowboys stadium parking lot when we looked back and you could still see the huge screen. I tried to take a picture with sterling in it to get a good measurement of the thing, but you cant see the screen from the camera on my phone.

We had a blast and could not be happier that BYU won. It made paying for a babysitter and parking worth it!!! Go Cougs!!!