Thursday, December 25, 2008

All I want for Christmas is... TWO front teeth!!! She got her two bottom teeth this week, just in time for Christmas. This picture comes all the way from Las Vegas were we are actually having a chilly christmas. Emma had an AMAZING christmas. We forgot to take pictures because we were all enjoying the moment.

More pictures to come of our vacation and family parties.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas 2008

I can't believe that 2008 is over already and that i have a 7 month old!!! Man how time flies.

This is Emma doing her absolute favorite thing. She LOVES!!!! to play in the bath tub.

We took Emma to see santa. She loved all the people around her, i just wish that we had gone earlier so that she could have spent more time with Santa. They were rushing WAY to fast and she was literally on his lap for 35 seconds. SAD!!!! She didnt even have time to figure out what was going on and then smile.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

moving and christmas shopping

So for those of you that dont know, we moved to a house in Allen. Moving was a very big adventure. (if you are mailing christmas cards before you get mine in the mail, please let me know if you need my address)

Emma on the day we were painting her room.

Sterling just kept pilling things on when we were moving. i thought this site was just to funny to not take a picture!!!!!

Daddy and Emma playing on the new couch!!!!

The day after Thanksgiving my mom, emma, and i went to the Gallery for shopping. It was amazing especially since we got there in the perfect time to watch the lighting of the tree.

Here is Emma looking at all the people around her.

Emma and I with the tree

We went to go see all the nativity sets at the Allen stake center. Emma just loved all the poinsetta's