Monday, March 30, 2009

So much has happened

So here is our life in pictures this past week:

TUESDAY Morning Sterling was home and Emma was sooooooooo happy. But daddy was outside and forgot to take his hat off when he came inside, so she attacked him like she always does.

(Sorry this picture is sideways-i am not sure what happened and it is way to late to spend time fixing it. ) Emma thinks she looks better in hats then her daddy.

Daddy leaves for work and in flies the ducks. They literally just swam around for 2 hours. Then Emma started banging on the window and they flew away.
WEDNESDAY-morning Sterling had to hurry and mow the lawn and Emma followed him from window to window around the house.
SUNDAY- oh what a great day it was. My mom just went to New York and got me this AMAZING purse, I love the color and I love how big it is. Sterling is proving how big the purse is by putting our 21 pound 29 inch long child in the purse. Hey in my eyes....throw in my wallet, cell phone, a few diapers, some wipes and since the kid is already packed in and ready go it is now the worlds perfect purse!!!

Emma has become such an entertainer lately. She loves to talk and dance and she does so many faces, so i thought i would capture a few. Dont mind my head, but FINALLY we have a picture of the top teeth.
And finally I feel like i captured her smiles that just melt my heart.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Emma at GG's

So for those of you that dont know we call my mom GG (Grandma Gunn). She just loves Emma to death, and I am pretty sure that she has probably told a stranger that this child is hers and not her grand baby. That is how obsessed she is. (she even sends Emma text messages)

On of my moms favorite things to do is to have Emma play on the piano. She thinks that if she lets Emma play it now that she will want to play it later, since all of her own girls HATED playing the piano. (I am hoping that Emma gets bored of the piano by the age of umm....2 and NEVER wants to play)
I just saw all of these pictures on my moms camera last night so i hurried to down load them but most of them are a few weeks old. GG gets to babysite Emma while Sterling goes to class and GG gives Sterling a VERY VERY VERY hard time for how she is dressed (mostly that she is not dressed warm enough) so one night when it was really really cold here this is what she looked like. (She has gloves on also, but still no coat)
Abbie lives at GG's house. But Emma LOVES Abbie and even follows her around the house saying "Ab...Ab....Ab" GG believes that Emma is going to say Abbie any day now.

Abbie does love Emma back. Know that Emma can crawl Abbie loves to get Emma to chase her. So Abbie gives her a little nudge and takes off, but the first couple of times it shocks Emma and she gets a little scared. I am sure this way funnier to my family members, but i hope you all enjoy.