For christmas we went to Las Vegas to be with Sterlings family and had a picture taken of the whole family.
So since we have been home, Emma has grown by leap and bounds. She is currently 8 1/2 months old (i just thought the other night I still cant believe i have a child). She loves to go for rides on her daddy...and she has a serious obsession with his hat.
Emma has gone through various stages of moving around. she loved to get under th coffee table, so we just moved it. I just really love this picture, it shows her great smile
Emma has also learned that she can pull up on us and then let go. She is completly afraid of falling but she loves to stand up by herself.
For those family memebers that know the crazy living/sleeping arrangements we have had with this child you will be glad to know that Emma is sleeping in her own bed in her own room. And since she has learned to crawl and sit up all byherself we find her in very weird sleeping positions. This is the screaming child position i got to wake up to the other morning.
And finally proof that she can crawl!!! (this is the most stubborn/spoiled child around) She has been able to crawl for a few weeks, but she wouldnt because ...... there was not point. she knew if she just sat there and screamed loud enough one of the three adults in the house would come pick her up. trust me...we know we are going to dread the teenage years.