So I come home to this one day! (I told him he could have $XXX to spend on whatever he wanted for the truck) And this is what i find. and this is how the conversation goes (and not just with me but with everyone that he has to show!!!)
Me: So what is it?
Him: Its a light bar!
Me: What does it do?
Him: It holds the lights on!
Me: So what are the extra lights for?
Him: Extra light when i go off roading! (With a smile i might add)
Me: Where are you going off roading?
Him: I dont know!
Me: So do you think you will use these lights even once this year?
Him: No! But they look cool!
Me: You have to be kidding?
Him: Nope!!!
So later it goes on that he just did that for fun, but on Thursday he is going to do some real work on the car while I go shopping with a friend. I come out of our apartment to find this.
Do you see his hands actually touching the truck? Nope me either!! Before i got the camera he actually had his legs crossed just like he was hanging out watching a movie under there or something.
To be honest he really did get alot of work done on the truck. He was just trying to figure things out at the moment. But i died laughing. I guess that is the best part of our marriage. We are always making each other laugh.